This post was written on another blog sometime ago but I have decided to re-post it here. I received some excellent feedback from people so I want to slowly re-publish my interview series with these travel writers. Hopefully, I can follow up with some of them to see how they are doing now.
I will be launching a new series of interviews with fellow, up and coming travel writers. My first interview which I will publish here next Wednesday will be with Lauren Quinn from So remember to stay tuned!
Lauren’s work has recently appeared on Matador, BootsnAll, SoSauce, Pology and NileGuide. She also holds a BA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University. So I am really interested to hear her story.
Recently, I have started to wonder about what the real motivator is behind my need to travel. Sometimes it feels more like a physical addiction. I can feel the effects of my dependence if I am unable to travel and have to stay static in one place for too long. Soon after this severe listlessness occurs I usually just blow my budget and book flights.
I have also questioned my sanity in trying to become an accomplished travel writer. It is one of the most competitive and niche areas to get into, with little or sometimes even no monetary reward. So why do I bother investing hours of my time with this ludicrous ambition. Surely it is easier and more profitable just to work in an office, settle down in a nice house in suburbia and live out my days?
All this questioning has triggered an interest in what other travel writers go through. I am curious to uncover why others have chosen this relatively unusual career option. Detailing their motivation behind their decision in my series of interviews. I will also focus on what struggles and success they have encountered along the way so others may learn from them.
Maybe there are other similarly neurotic folk out there that I can relate my experiences with? Does anyone else find themselves constantly refreshing email to see if an editor has answered your query? Or maybe you day dream about seeing your name written on the by-line of a top notch publication?
If you have started travel writing recently and have been published and would like to be interviewed please let me know by leaving a comment below with your blog details or contacting me on twitter. By the way you don’t necessarily have to be neurotic but it helps!
Image by swimparallel