Author Archives: wordsabouttravel

July 2020:

July was busy,  brisk, and brilliant. We packed in a hell of a lot in 30 days. Including traveling almost 2,000km around Ireland meeting up with tons of family and friends and exploring our new place we call home in Galway. As well as selling our flat in Dublin, completing a course and packing everything we own yet again.

So what did I get up to this month?

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June 2020 – Life update, Oranmore trip & direct watercolour challenge

Oranmore horse

Oranmore horses

I’ve decided to keep going with this monthly journal to document what I get up to during this time. It’s a way for me to personally reflect on the last few weeks and to look ahead at future goals.

This month the restrictions lifted. I have learned that it makes a huge difference even knowing you can travel more than 2km, even if you don’t actually go that far! There is a faint pulse of life back in the city. Restrictions were lifted on 29th for bars & cafés serving food. It was actually exciting to see people sitting at pre-booked tables together. Wild times indeed. There were queues for barbers and a scramble for appointments with hairdressers. The traffic is one thing I am not grateful to see return. Continue reading

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May update: What I got upto in Dublin during Quarantine

Cycle to Sandymount Strand

Cycle to Sandymount Strand

Last month I wrote a post about what I got up to during April in Quarantine in Dublin ( which was more than I thought I did). I found it a good way to reflect and document what I actually did during this strange time. Days seem to blur into one another at the moment as time drifts on by. So I thought it would be good to keep the momentum up and write another monthly report to share with others and to keep myself somewhat accountable.

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What I got up to in Dublin in April during Quarantine

I normally write about my travel, but just like you, I wasn’t able to travel this month. Due to the governmental restrictions that have been enforced since March 27th here in Ireland, I have not been able to travel further than 2km from my home. For people over the age of 70, living in Ireland it is even more strict as they cannot leave their homes whatsoever. For many, this has been a very traumatic event.  Many of my own friends and family are really struggling to get through this. It’s a weird time to be alive. However, personally I’ve actually been dealing with the quarantine reasonably well. I was trying to figure out wondering why? I wanted to get my head around it by writing this article. So I thought I would write down and document my experiences of being in Dublin during the Covid19 pandemic and what I’ve been getting up to while stuck indoors.

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What to do in Greenwich, London at the weekend?

What to do in Greenwich London at the weekend

What to do in Greenwich, London at the weekend?

Greenwich is located on the banks of the Thames river in East London. It seems quite laid back for London and it has lots of open green spaces to wander around. The Maritime Greenwich is on the UNESCO world heritage list as well as loads of other cultural, historical and artistic attractions to visit. It makes a great place to explore over a weekend. In fact, the next time I visit London I will probably stay here as you can get everywhere in London quite easily with great access to the DLR, train, tube, bus and Thames ferry services.

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Girly weekend getaway in Belfast

Girly Weekend Getaway in Belfast

Girly Weekend Getaway in Belfast

Every couple of years a group of my friends go on a girly weekend getaway together. Last time it was Berlin this time we decided on a city trip to Belfast. I caught an early flight with Easyjet from Amsterdam and the others traveled from various parts of Ireland by train & car to meet up. Continue reading

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Dog-Friendly Family Road trip to Dungarvan, Waterford

Dog friendly family holiday dungarvan waterford

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On a whim, we decided to spend 2 days in Dungarvan, Co Waterford while visiting the parents in Kilkenny. The weather was fantastic, especially for Irish standards. We took full advantage with a nice little family road trip to Dungarvan complete with “Dúbh” the dog included.

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11 best things to do in Kilkenny on a short break

11 Best Things to do in Kilkenny on a short break

11 Best Things to do in Kilkenny on a short break

Kilkenny is often overlooked on the tourist trail. Many blast their way past. Some skip it entirely by heading straight to Connemara. However, there are tons of things to do in Kilkenny. I hadn’t visited in ages (as we are temporarily living in Amsterdam ). So we decided to reconnect with the city and play at being a tourist while catching up with my parents who live there.

The population of this medieval “city” has a population of just under 30,000. For its size, it punches well above its weight. It oozes culture, exudes atmosphere and is exceedingly quaint. It is difficult to visit without some festival or conference going on such as The Cat Laughs Comedy Festival, Kilkenny Arts Festival, Kilkenomics or Rhythm & Roots adding to the buzz. The bar and restaurant selection are excellent and quite varied. You will find lots of things to do and it is perfect for a short break while in Ireland. Continue reading

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Here’s my first weekend back in Amsterdam

flying over Dublin Coastline

Flying over the Dublin Coastline

We have just moved to Amsterdam for a few months to be closer to friend’s and Alex’s family. The last time I lived in the city was over 10 years ago. A lot has changed since then, myself included.

As much as I give out about the weather and the transport in Dublin. It is where I am from, it is my home town, it is familiar and I have a sense of belonging. I also know a lot of great people in the city. The capital has a lot going for it these days; great places to eat, good live music, great pubs, it’s close to the sea, mountains and lakes and has some stunning landscapes. Continue reading

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Hiking to a hidden heart shaped lake


On the hottest day of the year, we decided to climb the third highest summit in the province to see a glimpse of the heart shaped lake. Let me put this into context. It is Ireland, so the temperature hit 20c for the first time this year and the entire country went a little wild. The city centre was like a ghost town while everyone escaped it to enjoy a few precious rays. (See bottom of post for route details) Continue reading

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Top things to do in Marrakech in 3 days

Marrakesh in 3 days - Top things to do (1)

Top things to do in Marrakesh

I’m normally the person at airport arrivals looking enviously at the handheld signs hoping my name would be on one rather than haggling with the taxi man or trying to get the correct change for the local train or bus. This time, however, it was my turn to arrive in style. Our driver was there to greet us and we found some top things to do in Marrakech over the next 3 days before we headed to Essaouira. Continue reading

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How to enjoy Barcelona like a local

Devil festival Sants Barcelona

Sants festival – How to enjoy Barcelona like a local

It all started with a conversation with a girl I had never met at Fusion Festival in Germany during the summer. “If you’re ever in Barcelona let me know, you can stay with me”.  A few months later we booked flights to Barcelona for the weekend before our trip to Morocco. I emailed her to ask if she could recommend any good hotels or areas to stay in Barcelona. She replied “I know a great hotel, it’s called my place”.

As she had a hectic weekend planned for when we were over (a birthday party, a going away party and a wedding). She very kindly offered for us to stay in her boyfriends apartment. Who we had never actually met before. “Just go to this address, here’s his number, he doesn’t have whatsapp, he’s a hippie”. Continue reading

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Irish banks block cards when abroad

I wrote a post about Allied Irish Bank (AIB) Lowering its daily maximum withdrawal limit back in 2011 and thought it might be time for an update on the subject.

Several people have told me anecdotes about how they or their friends were impacted not  by the limit but by another inconvenience. Your card being completely blocked. Continue reading

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Visiting the Alhambra Palace in Granada, Spain

Visiting the Alhambra Palace Granada Spain

Visiting the Alhambra Palace Granada, Spain

A guide to visiting the Alhambra Palace in Granada

I have to be honest here. Until I actually started researching I have to admit (ashamedly) that I had never thought of visiting The Alhambra Palace. In fact I hadn’t even heard of it – for shame!

This vast UNESCO heritage site is really spectacular. It deserves all your attention so dedicate at least 1 day (more if possible) to absorb the entire complex. Continue reading

Conquering new heights at Connemara National Park

Conquering new heights at Connemara National Park

Conquering new heights at Connemara National Park

Connemara National Park never lets you down. It consistently provides stunning landscapes, hiking trails, a playground for both big kids and little ones, a selection of Connemara pony’s and most importantly epic photo opportunities for friends and family. In spring, we brought Alex’s parents who were over from Amsterdam for a visit. Continue reading

Where we stayed in Puglia, Italy


Where we stayed in Puglia Italy

Where we stayed in Puglia Italy

Puglia is a region in southern Italy located at the ‘heel of the boot’.  Although we had both been to Italy several times neither of us had been to this part of the country before. It is mainly visited by holidaying Italians and manages to escape the influx of mass tourism that other parts of the country can be prone to. When I was researching for the trip I found it difficult to find information in English. So I hope this post will help you decide on where to stay in Puglia.  We certainly found a few gems that I would highly recommend. Continue reading

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Exploring the Squatted Bari Barracks Ex-Caserma Liberata

Ex Caserma Liberata, squatted army barracks in Bari #soundsystem #streetart great people #Italy

A photo posted by Vourneen Taylor (@thetravelnerd) on

After a few days exploring Bergamo we flew down to Bari with a cheap Ryanair flight. Originally I thought it might be nice to take the train and meander down the length of Italy. Unfortunately, the cost came to a few hundred euro, the time it would take was going to take half a day at least and the flight came to 40 euro for both of us. Decision made. Continue reading

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What to do in Beautiful Bergamo Italy

What to do in beautiful bergamo italy

What to do in beautiful Bergamo Italy

We received a really warm welcome when we checked into our Airbnb. When you choose not to stay in a standard hotel chain, you tend to get more personal service from people who actually care, and give you lots of local tips and what to do in Bergamo Italy or wherever you might be staying. This can lead to a richer travel experience overall. When we were in Italy last year in Lake Maggiore we also used Airbnb.  Continue reading

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Tips for visiting Amsterdam

Tips for visiting Amsterdam

I am Amsterdam sign, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Here are some tips for visiting Amsterdam. Let me know your thoughts and if I need to add anything here.

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